Фронталните места често имат недостатъчно пространство и обем на костите и поставянето на импланти със стандартен диаметър може да доведе до продължителни процедури за аугментация. Tapered 3.0 имплантите са проектирани да се поставят във фронтални места с ограничено пространство и е доказано, че са 17 до 40 процента по-здрави от конкурентните импланти при натоварване.

„Anterior implant sites can be challenging when it comes to having enough bone volume and/or adequate spacing. When these situations arise, it’s nice to have the Tapered 3.0 implant from BioHorizons. With this tapered implant around, my patients can often avoid additional bone grafting procedures while saving time and money, all the while taking one step closer to restoring their smile.“
— David Wong, DDS

Tapered 3.0 dental implant

Допълнителна информация


Catalog & manual (TSK4000)

HD Surgical Kit Reference Chart (TSK4000)

HD Drill Sequence Chart (TSK4000)

HD Drill Usage Chart (TSK4000)

Color-coding Reference Card

Prosthetic catalog

Interactive Prosthetic Technique Manual


Tapered HD Surgical Kit Animation


  1. Implants are not available in all platform diameter, body diameter and length configurations. Please visit store.biohorizons.com for full availability.
  2. Human Histologic Evidence of a Connective Tissue Attachment to a Dental Implant.
    M Nevins, ML Nevins, M Camelo, JL Boyesen, DM Kim.
    International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry. Vol. 28, No. 2, 2008.
  3. Histologic evidence of a connective tissue attachment to laser microgrooved abutments: a canine study.
    M Nevins, DDS, DM Kim, DDS, DMSc, SH Jun, DDS, MS, K Guze, DMD, P Schupbach, PhD, ML Nevins, DMD, MMSc.
    Accepted for publication: IJPRD, Vol 30, No. 3, 2010.
  4. Symposium 2013 Laser-Lok highlights
    Available at: Laser-Lok highlights
Not available in all countries.